Hello ! We hope you find this document helpful. It includes the application we made to Startmate for their Summer 2022 cohort. We were lucky enough to be selected.

If you are really keen to get in but intially get back don’t worry. We had applied for their Winter 21 cohort and did not make it. Come back the next time bigger and better.

For more information on our Startmate journey and the application process check out this blog post by our co-founder Cara on Medium!

Please also note that not all companies that get into SM have launched and product and have costumers - they do take companies at all stages.

This application was written in November 2021 and naturally lots has changed since then !

Written Application

1. Problem + Solution

Upload a short (5 minutes max) video of you/your founding team addressing:

  1. the problem your company is solving
  2. how you are addressing the problem
  3. what you have achieved to date (traction)
  4. why you are the right team to address the problem

Check out our YT video here 👇
